Why are dogs good pets?

Man hugging dog

Dogs are great for a lot of reasons. Dogs are referred to as man’s (human beings’) best friend.  Why is that so?  For one, dogs are good pets because they show unconditional love.  Our need for acceptance and approval is often the answer to why are dogs good pets.  When we are lonely, they are … Read more

Why adopt retired show dogs

In this article, I am going to discuss why choosing a retired show dog as a pet is a good idea.  I will compare and contrast the experiences with raising a puppy, or going to the Humane Society and getting a dog, verses getting a retired show dog as a pet and as a companion. … Read more

About Conley – Founder

Picture of me

My Story Welcome to EssentialsofDogs.com. It is a website to help you, as a dog owner, find and choose different items that will bring more joy and fulfillment to your relationship with your dog. I have owned several dogs and have found that as I get older, I like a dog that is more laid … Read more