Name:  Dr. Marty Nature’s Blend Dog Food
3 bags 16 ounce at $124.90
Dr. Marty

Research Tools: 10/10
Websites Included:
Free Trial: NO

Overall Rank: 9.5/10

How Dr. Marty Nature Blend’s Dog Food Works

If you have read anything about what are the healthy ingredients of any dog foods, you will know that you want to stay away from preservatives, fillers, and meat by products.  None of these are optimum for your dog’s health.  Dr. Marty goes into detail about these three bad ingredients for your dog’s health and then further explains why his formula is a good one, and contains nutrients that a dog needs to thrive, not just survive.  He compares most “normal dog food” as fast food that we as humans eat, to food groups that are good for promoting our optimum health.  His rationale is a good one, and easy to follow.

The only negative that I would give this food is the price.  If you are on a tight budget, you might want to order the smaller amounts and put it on top of your existing dog food.  For example, if you feed your dog a cup in the morning and at night, only use a 1/2 cup of your existing dog food, and fill the  other half of he cup with Dr. Marty’s Natural Blend.  This  will do two things.  First, it will help your dog transition to a new and different food source.  Secondly, you get the many benefts from Dr. Marty’s Natural Blend as a topper on your currrent dog food.  At least, your dog will be getting some great nutrients and you can judge for yourself if your dog likes the taste of Nature’s Blend without having to commit and purchase a lot at one time.  For others of you, you will see the benefits of this freeze dried raw meat dog food, mixed with good grains and vegetables and have the money to buy a larger bag.  He also has a subscription service where you can get his dog food at a savings.

 Training Quality Section

The training content is excellent and was an eye opener for me.  He explains in great detail what the three bad ingredients in most dog foods are.  They are the following.  Preservatives in dog foods like butylated hydroxytolaene (BHI), BHA and propylene glycol. I can hardly pronounce these names, much less know what they mean. These are preservatives which do not benefit or make better your dog’s health, according to Dr. Marty.  The freezed dried process does not need any preservatives to make the dog food last longer.  All you do for his dog food is just add water, and wait three minutes and then feed your dog.

The second ingredient that is not a promoter of dog health, according to Dr. Marty are fillers. By the term fillers, that’s exactly what I mean. They fill a dog’s stomach, but are not prime food to benefit their health. Fillers can be heavy grains like barley, oatmeal, white rice, and corn. They are a cheaper ingredient than raw organ meat. That is why a great dog food has freeze-dried, raw meat and organs, and some good grains like brown rice and quinoa. You also don’t want any artificial coloring in your dog food. That is for you, the purchaser of the dog food.

The third main ingredient you should avoid, according to Dr. Marty is Meat By Products. What exactly are meat by products? They are slaughter house waste. They can be feet, beaks, wings, legs without meat, brains, undeveloped eggs, pieces of tumors, and intestines with the feces cleaned out. Yuck! Would you want your dog to eat any of that?! Read the ingredients, and make sure there are no Meat By Products.

The last main ingredient to avoid is Meat Meal, or Meat and Bone Meal. Why is that? These are just descriptive words for items such as road kill, dead animals or dead livestock. Read the ingredients! You don’t want to feed that to your dog, do you?

Research Tools Section

If you go to Google and key in this youtube link, you will hear a testimonal about Dr. Marty and what his purpose is.  You will learn more about his dog food, and why it is so good, and nutrious for your dog.  Many famous people have gone to Dr. Marty and are using his dog food.  Here is the link, you can copy and paste it in Google.


He has a website and a subscription program.


As I said above, his Nature’s Blend can be pricey if you are on a strict budget.  He has different plans for different budgets and amounts.  I am going to try a 16 ounze bag for $39.00 and use it as a topper.  I will let you know how that goes.


In my opinion, what Dr. Marty says makes sense.  What we put into our dogs, we get out.  If they are not as energetic as they used to be, or if they have any health related problems, of if your current dog food consists of preservatives, fillers and meat by products, I would definetly try Dr. Marty’s Nature Blend.  Use it as a topper at first.  I think you will be glad that you invest in your dog’s health and nutrition.Dr.-Marty-Freeze-dried-dog-food

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