What is the best dog food to buy?

With so many choices, and the fact that they all look the same and all claim to be premium, natural, great dog food, how do you know which one to buy? How do you decide? A lot of people go with the price. What’s the most dog food I can buy at the lowest price? Normally, they are trying to buy a 50 pound bag of dog food for under $30.00. I know this was us at one point. The purpose of this post is to ferret out which is the best dog food to buy and why. I hope you enjoy it.

Why do all of the dog foods look alike?

Face it, the dog food companies are trying to sell you, not your dog. If they can put a pretty picture of a dog on a bag and make claims that their dog food is high quality, they hope you will buy it. It must be good for your dog. If their picture of their dog eats this and looks this good, maybe your dog will look good also. This is the thinking that they want you to have. This also explains why all of the commercial dog companies look kind of the same in their branding. They want to sell you on the benefits of their dog food, by what they say in words, and by the pictures on their food bag or can.

How do you know which is really the best dog food to get?

To answer this question, you have to start at the beginning. Dogs came from domesticated wolves into different breeds that we know today. Dogs are still pack animals with an Alpha leader, just like in a wolf pack. What do wolves eat? Wolves eat meat. In fact, when a pack of wolves bring down a deer, the Alpha Male gets the first bite. He does not just bite anywhere on the deer to get meat. He is smart and picky. He will eat the organ meats first, like the liver, heart and other organs. The reason he eats the deer’s organs is because that is where the most nutrients in the deer are located. He leaves the rest of the carcass to the other wolves to eat the legs, back, stomach, etc.

Another case in point is the standoff between a Great White Shark and a Killer Whale. This was on Google a while back. You can google it today and see for yourself. The Killer Whale does not bite and start eating the Great White Shark. What the Killer Whale does is bite and hold the shark, and flip it upside down. This immobilizes the shark. Then, interestingly, the Killer Whale bites and gets the liver and other organs. That’s all he wants. Maybe nature is trying to tell us something. Maybe all of the nutrients and good stuff are in the organs.

So how do these stories relate to how to get the really best dog food? Simple, you want to get freeze-dried, raw, beef, turkey organs, mixed with certain fruits and vegetables that I will talk about below.

What should this freeze-dried, raw dog food consist of, and where can I get it?

The contents of this freeze-dried animal organs should be from turkey hearts, beef liver, turkey liver, and salmon. This idea is not mine. I have to quote Dr. Marty, and his Nature’s Blend Raw, Freeze Dried Dog Food. I agree with what he says. He says look at a dog’s teeth. They are sharp for tearing meat. You will never see a wolf in the wild eating corn, wheat or barley. According to Dr. Marty, he has been a veterinarian for 45 years and came up with this dog formula that includes some vegetables and fruits. He says that wolves get their vegetables and fruit from the intestines of small animals that they kill and eat. So some fruits and vegetables are blended into his recipe. Specifically, he uses cranberries and blue berries.

You can order his food from Amazon. Here is a picture of what the bag looks like. By clicking the picture, you will go to the site.


What’s in other dog foods, that I should avoid?

If you love your dog, you need to read the side or the back of the bag to see what you are actually feeding your dog. According to Dr. Marty you should avoid dog foods that have the following ingredients. Preservatives in dog foods like butylated hydroxytolaene (BHI), BHA and propylene glycol. I can hardly pronounce these names, much less know what they mean. These are preservatives which do not benefit or make better your dog’s health, according to Dr. Marty.

The second ingredient that is not a promoter of dog health, according to Dr. Marty are fillers. By the term fillers, that’s exactly what I mean. They fill a dog’s stomach, but are not prime food to benefit their health. Dr. Marty uses the idea of eating at fast food restaurants only. You can survive on that food, but you can’t excel on that food alone. What you put in your dog’s body you get back, in more ways than one. Fillers can be heavy grains like barley, oatmeal, white rice, and corn. They are a cheaper ingredient than raw organ meat. That is why a great dog food has freeze-dried, raw meat and organs, and some good grains like brown rice and quinoa. You also don’t want any artificial coloring in your dog food. That is for you, the purchaser, and not for the dog.

The third main ingredient you should avoid, according to Dr. Marty is Meat By Products. What exactly are meat by products? They are slaughter house waste. They can be feet, beaks, wings, legs without meat, brains, undeveloped eggs, pieces of tumors, and intestines with the feces cleaned out. Yuck! Would you want your dog to eat any of that?! Read the ingredients, and make sure there are no Meat By Products.

The last main ingredient to avoid is Meat Meal, or Meat and Bone Meal. Why is that? These are just descriptive words for items such as road kill, dead animals or dead livestock. Read the ingredients! You don’t want to feed that to your dog, do you?


Read all of the bags of dog food that you are feeding your dogs. You want to feed them the most nutritious meat, namely organ meat. Remember the story about the alpha woof and the killer whale? Organ meat is the most densely packed source of nutrients a dog can eat. According to Dr. Marty, dogs’ love the taste of this freeze-dried organ meat. You are literally feeding your dog the “leader of the pack” meal.

Secondly, you want in your dogs’ food, the super nutrient, Omega 3 Fatty Acids. They are important to your dog’s brain health. Thirdly, you want Prebiotics. What are these? According to Dr. Marty, they are items like flax, carrots and ginger. They are good for your dog’s digestive system.

I hope you will try Dr. Marty’s Nature’s Blend, freeze-dried, raw dog food. If you do, you will be giving your dog the best chances for a long and healthy life. If you decide to buy it and at least put it on top of your existing dog food, please tell me if your dog seems different or seems to like it. I would very much be interested to learn about your experiences with Dr. Marty’s dog food. Thank you.

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