Why are dogs good pets?

Dogs are great for a lot of reasons.

Dogs are referred to as man’s (human beings’) best friend.  Why is that so?  For one, dogs are good pets because they show unconditional love.  Our need for acceptance and approval is often the answer to why are dogs good pets.  When we are lonely, they are someone or something to be with.  When our stress is high, just rubbing them tends to lower our blood pressure.  Thirdly, dogs are good pets because they keep us young at heart.  The following will be a focus on each one of these main topics as to why dogs are good pets, namely, our need for unconditional love, for acceptance and approval, and to keep us young at heart.

Dogs represent and show us unconditional love.

Have you ever came home after a bad day and felt dejected and down?  Nothing seemed to go right, and the world was against you?  You open your front door and what happens?  Your dog immediately greets you with tail wagging and excitement.  Its as if your dog is saying “Ah h h h h your home!  I love and missed you!”  Immediately your attitude changes from down in the dumps to soaring high.  You say to yourself, I know my dog loves me.  Suddenly, everything is right in your world.

Many people eat their meals with their dogs.  Not at the table, but while the dog is eating out of a bowl, the owner sits at the table and they share a meal together.  Dogs offer so much love and affection.  Its hard to stay depressed or feel sorry for yourself when your dog depends on you and when you know your dog loves you.

A kindred topic to unconditional love is acceptance and approval.

Face it.  We all wanted to be liked, loved, not left alone, or abandoned.  We want to be accepted and approved of just as we are without pretense or having to be at our best 100% of the time.  Dogs’ affection and attention towards us gives us the acceptance and approval we so desparetly need.  You might say that you don’t need anyone’s acceptance or approval.  They either like me the way I am, or they can take a flying leap.  Don’t kid yourself.  Deep down, we all have that child like spirit ii each one of us.  We just cover it up and mask it well.  We have a child within our grown, adult bodies that needs to feel accepted and approved of.

People will let you down, because they are imperfect beings.  Dogs are not perfect either, but they seem to try harder at showing love, acceptance and approval.  Truly, only God is the perfect being, who loves unconditionally.  I think dogs come in as a close second.  Definetly better at showing approval and acceptance than people.  We seem to judge each other because what we see in them, that we don’t like about ourselves, makes us judge or put others down.  Its because we don’t fully love ourselves as we are.  We need that reassurance, acceptance and approval.  Dogs provide that naturally without trying.

Lastly, dogs are good pets because they keep us young at heart.

How many times have you seen an older person forget they were old and play with a dog?  They rub and pet the dog and talk differently to the dog compared to how they talk to other people.  Dogs can keep us young at heart because we forget about ourselves when we are around dogs.  We forget that we are old, tired, frustrated or depressed.  Dogs bring out the “play” in us.  They enable us to engage the present moment and life right now.  All that matters is the time spent together.

I think that our ability to think and use our imagination can be both good for us and bad for us.  Our imagination is God’s gift to us to create life out of chaos, to dream dreams and discover what we can do in life.  On the negative side, our imaginations can dampen our soul, make us feel depressed and alone.  Interacting with dogs brings our imagination to the forefront and brings out the positive experiences.  We think back to when we had a dog earlier in life, and how much we enjoyed being with that dog.  Dogs, by their nature are upbeat, friendly, active and playful.  We take our queues from dogs that interact with us so playfully.  Dogs can and do keep us young at heart!

In conclusion:

Dogs are great animals, built for a purpose, to love and to be human beings’ best friends.  They are faithful, they are true, they are predictable and they want to love you.  If you ever have any doubts about this, ask a friend of yours if you can keep their dog overnight sometime.  They will love you for it because you will give them a break.  You will be beside yourself.  You want know what to do at first, and you will think you have to “entertain” the dog.  Play with the dog, love on them, and then settle down to a good TV program.  Encourage your friend’s dog to sit on the sofa with you.  You can always vacume the sofa after the dog leaves.  You will find that your heart rate will be calmer, your mood better, and you will be smiling to yourself on the inside.  You will miss that dog when the owner comes to pick him/her up the next day.  I believe you will really think it is a good idea to have your own dog.  Who knows?

Another way you can have time with a dog is to be a pet sitter and charge less than the competition.  This way, you can play and experience a variety of dogs and determine which breed or mix you like best.  All dogs are different, even though they are alike  in so many ways.  Do yourself a favor and try playing with and being with a dog for 24 to 48 hours.  It will change your life.  You will feel unconditional love, acceptance, approval and feel young at heart.  Your experience(s) will give you the answer to the question of why are dogs good pets?  When you get that dog, get them some toys to play with.  The image below will direct you to all kinds of dog toys to buy for your dog.  Have fun with it!

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